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Community Assistance and Supports
Provincially-Funded Resources

A helpline and online database of Ontario's community and social services, including those for abuse/assault, community programs, disabilities, family services, and mental health/addictions.
A 24/7 online and phone access to health care services information, including mental health, addictions and problem gambling in your area. It also offers free-of-charge promotional resources, such as posters that you can post in your clinic for patients or team members to discreetly read and self-refer if they need help.
A Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) program that offers cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) services to help adults and youth manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It’s available free of charge for adults over the age of 19 and teens between the ages of 15 to 18. If your patients or team members are interested in participating in this program, you can refer them directly.
Crisis Services
Crisis Line
The Mental Health Crisis Line responds quickly to phone calls and within 24 hours to see someone face-to-face.
A crisis can include difficulty dealing with stress, overwhelming feelings, symptoms of depression, anxiety or psychosis, suicidal thoughts, or any concerns regarding your mental health or that of your loved ones.
Serves people 16 and older in French and English.
A 24/7 Distress line to help with (but not limited to) the following: Emotional support and encouragement, crisis management and intervention, suicide risk assessment and prevention, community resource and referral information.
Available to any age in English and French.
Talk Suicide Canada provides nationwide, 24-hour, bilingual support to anyone who is facing suicide.
​If you are in a moment of crisis, struggling to understand or cope with suicidal thoughts, or worried about someone else, when you reach out, a trained responder will listen without judgement, provide support and understanding, and can tell you about resources that will help.

Single Session or Short Term Care

Quick access to a free phone or video counselling session for for children, youth, adults, and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area. Available in English, French, and Arabic for services including, but not limited to: sleep issues, anxiety, depression, bullying, behavioural issues, separation, relationships, grief & loss, drugs & alcohol, gender & sexual identity, adjusting to life in Canada, isolation, and loneliness.
The Walk-In Counselling Clinic offers confidential, single-session counselling services on a first come, first served basis.
Counselling sessions are approximately 1.5 hours in length. Though clients are sometimes referred to other services, in many cases a single concentrated visit is all that is required. Non-Emergency Only.
Resources for Veterans
Pain & Rehabilitation
Royal Canadian Legion Ontario
Legions can support Veterans looking to appeal with VAC or VRAB on medical decisions related to their case, along with many other services and community events.
Research co-designed with veterans and their families and implemented with a national network of clinics to help veterans and their families manage their pain and reconnect with life.
Have any of your disabilities worsened since discharge? Did you receive a partial entitlement for any of them? Reassessing these disabilities could result in a full entitlement and a lump sum payment.

Drop-In Services

VETS Canada offers drop-in services for vets at risk of homelessness, along with programs like, Guitars for Vets.
Innercity Veterans Outreach and Support offers many services like, drop-in and support for homeless and at-risk veterans, access to resources and literature, phone and computer access, individualized support, recreational activities, along with special events and community meals.
Soldiers Helping Soldiers aids in the recognition and identification of homeless Veterans, connects with them, and connects them to program and service providers — with a view to reducing the risk, mitigating the effects, accelerating recovery from, and supporting life beyond homelessness.
Mental Health and Well-Being
An invaluable resource that has everything from a Family Information Line that is 24/7 and confidential, bilingual, and free service offering information, support, referrals, reassurance and crisis management to the military community and their families, to addiction awareness, injury prevention, active living, nutrition and social wellness resources, and the Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) program.
The Military Family Resource Centre offers services and supports that empower and encourage strong, independent military families, with care coordination, resources for military families in the NCR, short-term counselling, and resources for CAF members releasing from service.
Soldier On contributes to the recovery of ill and injured CAF members and veterans by providing opportunities and resources through sport, recreational, and creative activities.
WWC is a nationally-recognized organization and mental health service provider dedicated to serving ill and injured Trauma Exposed Professionals and their families in French and English. Offers Trauma Informed Training and Group-Based Therapy Programs.
Warrior Health serves as a centralized platform to connect injured members and their families with occupationally aware clinicians and specialized educational resources.
The Veteran Transition Network helps Veterans to overcome difficulties commonly faced when transitioning out of service, with focus on Connection, Communication, Self-Maintenance, and Future Planning.
Resources for Seniors
Good Companions offers a large variety of services, including Seniors' Centre Without Walls, a program offering telephone group activities to individuals who find it difficult to access regular community centres in person.
The Centre offers a wide range of recreation programs for adults aged 50 and over. Programs include a variety of fitness classes from Strength and Balance to Yoga to Line Dance. Drop-in programs are available for those looking to play bridge or want to sing and play a ukulele. The facility has a programmed fitness centre, billiards equipment and a lounge.

Whether you wish to keep in shape, learn a new skill or develop a talent, the Heron Seniors’ Centre has a variety of recreational programs designed to suit an active adult lifestyle. A professional team of instructors makes the centre a popular destination for retired or pre-retired adults.
The Kanata Seniors’ Centre offers a wide range of recreation programs for adults aged 50 and over. Access to their services is through membership or program registration.
The aim of the Club is to relieve loneliness and isolation of older adults and seniors and to provide opportunities for physical, social and mental wellbeing by providing a welcoming space for members to socialize through recreational, educational and cultural activities, and other programs.
Le Rendez-vous des aînés francophones d’Ottawa (RAFO) est un centre d’activité, de divertissement et d’apprentissage sans but lucratif pour les retraités francophones et francophiles de 50 ans et plus de la région d’Ottawa En offrant une programmation sociale, culturelle, récréative et éducative diversifiée et ciblée, le RAFO remplit sa mission de veiller à l’épanouissement de ses membres et à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des aînés dans une ambiance des plus chaleureuses où le sourire et la joie de vivre sont la norme.
Le centre de vie active du MIFO offre aux retraités et semi-retraités des activités leur permettant de se rencontrer, de s’épanouir et de vieillir en santé dans un milieu francophone. Depuis la fusion du Centre Séraphin-Marion d’Orléans (CSMO) et du MIFO en 2014, le MIFO est un lieu de rencontres, d’apprentissage et de loisirs pour les personnes de 50 ans et plus.