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Integrated Care


Assessment & Vision Rehabilitation Therapy

Our Neuro-Optometrist provides specialized care for patients whose visual systems have sustained injuries or traumas that are disrupting their quality of life. 

As we develop, our visual system interacts with all other systems in our body. If the visual system does not reach it’s full potential, or alternatively if the visual system is disrupted as a result of a trauma or an injury, it will most likely cause symptoms that will affect our quality of life and our ability to reach our full potential and/or complete our day-to-day activities.


Following an injury or a trauma, a person may suffer from Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS). PTVS has also been observed in patients without a history of TBI or ABI that have suffered from a significant illness.


PTVS can have a significant impact on one’s quality of daily living, with symptoms often including: changes in visual perception, changes in balance, light and/or motion sensitivity, decreased peripheral vision, nausea, headaches, double vision, pain in and around eyes, difficulty concentrating on tasks, and fatigue.

Eye Exam

A neuro-optometric assessment evaluates a number of aspects of visual function such as oculomotor control, accommodation, vergence, stereopsis, spatial awareness and localization, vestibulo-ocular movements and visual perceptual skills.


Following the assessment, a therapeutic lens prescription may be issued and/or vision rehabilitation may be recommended. The therapeutic lens prescription is designed to optimize functional visual skills, to improve daily performance and/or recovery. Vision therapy, in collaboration with other allied health professionals, works to improve visual skills while also realigning one’s perception of space to regain synchronicity with the vestibular and proprioceptive systems.

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